Archive for » June, 2016 «

Trust Spirit

The world feels heavy right now, and it feels like I’m carrying it around on my shoulders. The violence, the hate, the doubts, diseases, the separation. Who do we trust anymore?

Trust Spirit!

That still small voice within will lead you to the truth. Whether you hear it through prayer, or meditation, yoga or nature, listen- it will lead you to the truth. Stay focused on that voice and you will know what to do, and who to trust.

These are the times we need Faith the most. When everything seems to be crumbling around us, find that space of faith within you. Faith in a higher reason, a higher power, or just the Faith in yourself.

Let your faith become a light, and let that light lead you out of the darkness.

A lot of us are experiencing grief, heaviness, anger, or sadness for the world, let alone our own personal issues. These feelings can be deep and overwhelming.

So take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, Thank You. Just being grateful for a single breath- for that’s the energy within you that will get you through these times. Allow your breath to move through your body and notice the relief, notice the heaviness in your body subside with your breath.

A single breath, Faith, your Spirit- don’t hide in the darkness or shirk away in Fear, but keep breathing and know that with every breath you take you’re alive, and you matter, and you can make a difference. Let’s turn this grief, this chaos, this heavy world filled with fear into a space of hope, of knowing that you, that We as a whole are more than fear, are more than anger and hate. All of us united have the power to lift up into a space of peace, forgiveness, and love, and truly make a difference in each others lives, and in the world.

This is a time not to point out differences, but to come together in brotherhood. For we are all of the same breath. We’re all brothers and sisters, all feeling the ups and downs of emotions, and the chaos of the world.

Recognize the part you play is powerful, and choose love. Because Love, over all else, will heal. And so it is!