Archive for » April, 2018 «
Hello friends! I received this message in meditation about creativity and abundance:
As I touch the divine in meditation there is only oneness with the ONE- Spirit. Opening my heart I drink in the unconditional love- it heals my fears and feeds my body, mind, soul and emotions. This love is all there is, echoing throughout infinity.
Quiet the mind, close your eyes and feel it, the depth of love in the infinite. It cleanses negativity, opens you up to the divine and frees you from limitation. Feel yourself dive into the knowing of your oneness with creator- this is where your peace is. This is who you are. We are all a part of this creative expression. What part do you play?
Every thought, word and deed affects the whole. Let it be of love.
If you’re feeling, doing, thinking less than love- let it go, open and ask to receive this love, feeling the connection to the infinite. Here you can create anything! Let it be good. What is your heart’s desire? See it manifest in this space. Feel what it feels like to have it and know you are supported.
Life is creative, Create with it! Become a part of this creative energy and allow it to support your creations. Ask for guidance here. This is where your answers are. This is where your peace is. There’s no room for lack or limitation. If you’re feeling that, you’re in ego.
Category: Inspirational, Spirituality
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